"Worldpackers" & Travel Inspiration

Hello, dear wayfarers!

I've recently had the opportunity to write two articles for an organization called "Worldpackers," to be featured on their website. While they do have quite a few articles on their website, the majority of it is devoted to something that I think is pretty fantastic: Worldpackers is a liaison between travelers and hosts, where people who want to travel on the cheap in exchange for some work can trade their skills for a place to stay-- and sometimes meals, tour discounts, and other little perks.

It sounded cool to me, so I gave it a look-- and they have hundreds of hosts and opportunities ranging from Social Impact programs (teaching art or English to children, anyone?) to Work Exchanges (trading a few hours a day of hospitality skills like cleaning, reception, bartending, etc.) and Eco Programs (farm work, permaculture, etc.). I was blown away by how many opportunities there were to travel at low-cost while learning new skills! I highly recommend you check their website out.

I'm not getting paid for telling you that, by the way! I'm telling you because I have seriously been planning to apply for a few of these jobs! If it works out, expect a detailed blog post about the process. ;)

Anyhow. About those articles.

Both are about different aspects of my time in Israel with CCBC Bible College, because part of their study program involves volunteering, and out of all my travel experience, it's most similar to what Worldpackers does.

My first article is about why you should consider living like a local in the country you are visiting-- even if it's out of your comfort zone. Amazing things happen when you let your cultural walls down and embrace people and places that are different from what you're used to! Click this link to see what happened when I went to Israel during the Israeli-Gaza conflict in 2014!

My second article for Worldpackers is about why it's a great idea to spend some time abroad volunteering with children-- you can read that one if you follow this link!

These articles are a little different from the content I've put here so far-- they're less "how-to" and more "why go?" Inspirational is the word I'm looking for! Since the audience over at Worldpackers is  much more international than this blog, and the style of the articles is different, they may not be quite what you are used to, but I recommend giving them a look-- I'd love to hear your thoughts if you'd be so kind as to leave reviews of them here on this blog post!

Thanks for reading, and I hope you are inspired-- and that you have a glimpse into what amazing things travel can lead to if you are open to change!

Shalom and yallah baay for now!

                                                                                    ~ Madelyn


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